Take the next step in your faith.
Life Classes, taught by Living Water Fellowship teachers and pastors, are a step by step approach to understanding the essentials of what it means to be a follower of Christ. Are you looking for a way to become rooted and grounded in God's Word? Do you want to have your feet firmly planted on the truth? Do you want to be capable of living your life with the full armor of God at all times? Having a true understanding of the Bible and its principles will give you confidence in your faith and strenghten your relationship with God. This confidence will help you be a strong witness to "go out and make disciples" Matthew 28:19-20 which is our number one commision as Christians. These classes will help you understand what we believe at LWF, what the Bible teaches, why we believe these things, and (most importantly) why these beliefs matter.

New Life classes are not only for those who are new to the faith, it is for also those who are returning to the faith, or those who are just looking to learn the principles of our faith. If you have questions such as "Where do I go from here?" or "What's the next step for me?" This is a 7 week class that is held once a week.

Basic Life classes will help you get to know the heart of LWF. You will also learn what it means to be connected to God, each other, ministry, and the world. These classes will inform you on the ministries we offer, and guide you on becoming a member. This is a 4 week class that is held once a week.

Master Life classes will challenge you as your passion for God grows and you dive deeper into His word. It will help you mature as a believer, and teach you to hold yourself accountable to God in every aspect of your life. This class is like a spiritual mirror, allowing you to learn, adjust, and refine yourself to make you more like Christ. This is a 13 week class that is held once a week. (BASIC LIFE COMPLETION REQUIRED)